
Do you have the right VoIP distributor?

Because of its cost-effectiveness, VoIP is quickly gaining popularity among SMBs looking to upgrade their phone systems. However, this doesn’t mean you should contact just any VoIP distributor; you need to make sure they are able to meet your business’s requirements. Get the ball rolling with this checklist of the must-have qualities of any reputable […]

Office 365 gets new security tools

Security is, by far, the biggest issue concerning most businesses today. Although safeguards like firewalls and antivirus software are necessary, they’re no longer sufficient in dealing with increasingly sophisticated cyberattacks. Today, companies require multiple layers of security to steer clear of cyberattacks and compliance woes. To help companies with this process, Microsoft has released threat […]

Do ugly websites really cost you money?

eCommerce websites take longer to create than regular websites. That’s because finding the right plugins and fine-tuning other components such as the blog page takes a lot of time. Only when you’re certain that everything’s in place should you go live with your website. Until then, take the time to double-check everything; the last thing […]

21st century challenges to patient privacy

A few generations ago, healthcare workers had far fewer opportunities to gossip about patients. But with social media and instant messaging, healthcare employees have plenty of opportunities to breach information before realizing what they’ve done. Consider some of these IT solutions to avoid a breach at your practice. Celebrity hospital visits Under HIPAA’s privacy rule, […]

How virtualization roots out malware

Every IT solution in your organization will encounter malware at some point or another. Some solutions are malware liabilities, others are assets. When it comes to virtualization, there are several cyber security benefits for improving your malware readiness. One of our favorites is called sandboxing, and it’s a good one for you to know about. […]

Avoid VoIP eavesdropping with these tricks

As of late, eavesdropping has been making the headlines due to the surge in frequency. Making it an ideal time to review how well your Voice-over-Internet-Protocol (VoIP) phone systems are protected. However, this isn’t entirely new to VoIP, Vomit and Peskyspy are just some of the prolific VoIP eavesdropping attacks that have gained infamy since […]

Watch out for this Microsoft Word bug

Feature updates can come and go, but when Microsoft releases a security update, you need to install it as soon as possible. This is because hackers are constantly looking for software bugs to exploit, and in Microsoft’s case, cybercriminals have found a serious vulnerability in Word. The attack On April 10, cybersecurity firm Proofpoint discovered […]

Homographs: the newest trend in phishing

So much of cybersecurity depends on adequate awareness from users. Phishing for example, preys on people’s fears and desires to convince them to click on hyperlink images and text before checking where they actually lead to. However, with the latest trend in phishing, even the most cautious users can get swept up. Read on to […]