Laptop Quiz Step 1 of 11 0% Do you want a MAC or a PC?* MAC PC Do you need antivirus software on this computer?* Yes No What is your main use for the laptop going to be?* Work From Home Gaming Video Editing Graphics and Photo Editing Document Editing and Surfing the Internet For School General Family Use What sized screen would you like?* Around 12" Around 14" Around 16" Do you need a docking station?* Yes No How many screens for the dock?* What size monitor?* Do you need a keyboard/mouse?* Will you be using Microsoft Office products (i.e. Word, Excel etc) or will similar programs do (google docs or apple docs etc)?* I need to use Microsoft Office products I would prefer to use Microsoft Office Not sure but I currently use Microsoft Office products What are you storing? ( ie. pictures, videos, large documents )* What apps do you plan to use?* Do you need a touch screen?* Yes No What brand do you prefer?* Lenovo Dell HP Apple What is your price range?* below $350 $350 - $450 $450- $550 $550- $700 $700- $900 $900 plus Thank you for completing our quiz, please leave your information below and a RAM-Tech representative will contact you soon.Name* First Name Last Name Email* Phone*Address* State* City* Zip* Company Name Δ