
Should I License my software? A Business Approach

When you have a great idea, it’s natural for you to want to share it with others. Technology, however, works at a different wavelength. Before you put your software out there, you want to make sure you’ve got all your bases covered. Keep reading to learn the vital considerations you need to address before jumping […]

Collaboration-driving Office 365 updates

Communication might be the key to personal relationships, but collaboration is the key to business connections. That’s why many small- and medium-sized businesses are looking into Office 365, a productivity and collaboration-enhancing software that allows employees to stay productive on-the-go.

Hi-tech integrations improve patients’ lives

Quick, name an industry that hasn’t been vastly improved by new technologies. It’s not easy to do, and would be especially difficult to argue when discussing medicine, where hi-tech advancements make everything possible from transdermal glucose monitors to genome sequencing.

Mingo: Skype’s improved mobile app

In an effort to revamp its somewhat popular mobile app, Skype is launching Skype Mingo. The new version improves upon its predecessor’s shortcomings and aims to become an Android user’s ultimate communication tool. Whether or not Skype will succeed is still unclear, but the new app certainly looks promising.

Data analysis made easy with “Glue” service

At a recent cloud technology conference, Amazon Web Services (AWS) launched a tool to help streamline data analytics in the cloud. This new tool, named “Glue,” is designed to help reduce the burden on engineers and employees so they can get down to the important elements of data analytics.

Containers Vs. VMs: performance variations

2016 saw containerization (container-based virtualization) take off as a way for companies to utilize virtual platforms more efficiently. While containers use less resources than their virtual machine (VM) counterparts, performance differences are subtle and don’t necessarily make containers better.

Best business apps: OneDrive vs SharePoint

SharePoint and OneDrive are similar programs used to help business owners manage and share company data across the board. Choosing which program will best utilize the space and resources you have can be confusing. For a quick overview of these unique programs and how to rationalize the choice for your business, continue reading.

New cyber-threats in 2017 to watch out for

The New Year is upon us, and with it comes a new batch of cyber threats. As advances are made in the world of technology, businesses anticipate changes that can make life more convenient. But, like snakes slithering into your home, cyber attackers also keep up with technological changes for their own nefarious ends.