
Understanding your enemies: The 5 types of hackers that will attack your business

Hackers come in all shapes and sizes, with different motivations for why they do what they do. Unfortunately, small- and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) are often the target of these malicious individuals because they are seen as easier targets than large enterprises. In this blog, we will discuss the five types of hackers that pose a […]

The importance of IoT security in healthcare

As the healthcare industry continues to be revolutionized by the Internet of Things (IoT), medical devices need steadfast protection from malicious cyberattacks, data breaches, and unauthorized access in order to safeguard patient information. In this article, you’ll learn useful tips on how to keep your IoT devices safe from these threats. Increase network security To […]

6 Practical tips for strengthening device security

Many people don’t realize just how vulnerable today’s computers and mobile devices are to nosy individuals and cybercriminals. However, by taking a few simple precautions, you can significantly improve your devices’ security, as well as the security of data stored within. Install anti-malware software No matter what type of device you are using, it is […]

Signs your VoIP system has been compromised

Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) systems have many advantages over traditional telephone systems, but they also come with a unique set of risks. Because VoIP relies on the internet, it’s susceptible to hacking attempts, just like any other online system. Hackers can use a range of techniques to infiltrate your VoIP system, such as stealing […]

The best remote work tools to keep you productive

Staying connected and productive when working remotely may seem like a daunting task, but there are tools that can help. In this blog, we’ll dive into the must-have online tools to keep your remote team running smoothly. Remote working offers a win-win situation for both employers and employees. Beyond financial savings, many remote workers report […]

The advantages of technology business reviews for SMBs

As a small- or medium-sized business (SMB) owner, you know that it takes a lot of resources to manage an entire IT system. You also know that managing your IT assets properly is crucial to the success of your company. But what you may not know is that there are ways to make this process […]

Purchasing antivirus software? Consider the following points

To keep business computers safe from malicious software, finding the best antivirus solution is crucial. You should choose an antivirus program with features, such as real-time protection against viruses, malware or other online threats; cloud scanning capability to detect zero-day threats; remote management capabilities for a streamlined IT experience; and comprehensive reports about system operations […]

Managed IT services providers in healthcare: The top benefits

In a world increasingly dependent on technology, healthcare providers cannot afford to have outdated and inefficient systems. When people’s lives are on the line, there can be no room for tech glitches. That’s where managed IT services providers (MSPs) come in: they can maintain and monitor systems round-the-clock so that practices can focus on providing […]

Ways to breathe new life into your outdated computer

If you’re like most people, you probably think it’s time to buy a new computer when it starts to slow down or crash all the time, and when it’s just generally not meeting your needs. But before you go shopping for a new computer, consider all of the ways that your old one could still […]

Open-source VoIP vs. proprietary VoIP: Which is best for your business?

Businesses looking for a Voice over internet protocol (VoIP) solution can choose from two options: open-source and proprietary systems. To help you decide which solution is best, this article outlines the key benefits and drawbacks of each type so you can make an informed decision on what will work best for your organization’s needs. What […]